“You Get What You Pay For”


Launching a startup or keeping any type of business going during a global slowdown is challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are a few pointers that might be helpful.  New products and services have to offer benefits that meet your customers’ needs.  At EWC Virtual Hub we have done just that. We don’t just stay with outdated software platforms that cost you more money and you see minimal benefits. 

You need to find the best business solutions that won’t break the bank.

We go out and test the best business solutions in real life situations and we only partner with the solutions that will help our client base scale. We get no kickbacks or incentives. In fact, the only benefits are lower pricing structures for the clients we serve.

All of our virtual assistants are trained with all the partner business solutions we choose to use.

Meaning they are not only the top virtual assistants in the Philippines but they are trained in the top platforms that our clients will be using to scale their business. EWC’s virtual assistants are the experts and will handle many tasks so you can free up your valuable time to focus on growing your business in other ways. I like to think of it like a high end sports car. If you enter a race and you are looking to win. Well, you will need the top car. The top engine, the top tier tires with the right fuel and the best driver.

Think of EWC Virtual Hub as the high end sports car. The tools we use as the top engine. The support we provide to our agents as the top tier tires and fuel. Lastly, the best drivers provided so you can win are the valuable virtual assistants, the top 1% that EWC Virtual Hub handpicks and trains to make sure you will be successful with scaling your business during challenging times.

Have you heard that catch phrase before? Well, I think those words have no merit when it comes to the talent pool and services offered by EWC Virtual Hub.We find the “Rock Stars” the top 1% of virtual assistant talent in the Philippines. Having an experienced expat like George residing in the Philippines. Married to a Filipina. Submersed in the culture. A person who has worked in the call centers side by side with the Filipinos.

Who has managed, hired and trained both American and Filipino virtual assistants after doing the work himself. After understanding, first hand, what it is like to work day in and day. Making calls, texting, email marketing. Doing all of the admin tasks himself for almost one decade and then passing on that knowledge base to the virtual assistants that work with EWC is paramount to the success of the campaigns we serve. Basically, George does not ask the virtual assistants to do anything that he has not already done before, himself.

Lastly, the price structure that George has put into place. EWC’s pricing model is 40 to 50% lower than any of their competitor’s pricing. That is even if you can compare any of those competitors to EWC Virtual Hub. There are so many layers to peel back but we can save that for another time. Feel free to contact George to discuss a personal growth plan for your business and to find out if the virtual assistants at EWC will be the right fit for your business needs.

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